Thoughts on Piracy in Thailand

thumb1No, not the type where heavily armed Somolian teenagers try to board 330-foot long oil tankers from an inflatable dinghy with a cake-mixer motor. Rather, I'm talking about the type where you can buy fake name brand stuff for really cheap! Everyone knows that Thailand is one of the best countries to buy worst offenders when it comes to selling fake stuff. Thailand has recently seen a crackdown on illegal goods vendors, ramped up as a direct result of a United States Trade Representative report saying, essentially, Thailand sells pirated goods, so they're bad. Here's my thoughts on piracy in Thailand...

“Not the Nation” Nails it Again

nFor a few years now, expats have been getting a semi-regular dose of laughs from Thailand's own version of The Onion called Not the Nation. It's a takeoff of The Nation, one of Thailand's two English dailies, and has a particular talent for skewering all that's ridiculous and wonderful about Thailand with deadly accuracy. One recent post told how exiled ex-PM Thaksin was raising an army of Orcs; another headline declared Love of Thai food Discussed Over Lunch at Burger King. One of the website's latest ads deserved special mention, because it hits the nail on the head so completely.

A Welcome Lull in the News

Because I'm a nerd, the first thing I do when I wake up is roll out of bed and into my command station computer desk to check what's going on the world via my Netvibes RSS feed.  When I checked things out this morning, I was pleasantly surprised to see no screaming headlines about protests, killings, emergency decrees or tanks rolling through the city.  In fact, I was relieved to find that things were relatively boring.  I immediately thought back to a fantastic article from The Onion in October of 2001 with the headline "A Shattered Nation Longs to Care About Stupid Bullshit Again" which sums up my feelings pretty perfectly.

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