I never really knew much about the power of data until I started working in my current job, where we analyze data to find patterns and trends. It’s kind of like the global financial system – you don’t really notice it until you’re exposed to it, and then the rabbit hole just gets deeper and deeper. Some find this manipulation of data creepy, some don’t care, but it’s interesting either way. So just for fun, I wanted to see what people were searching for when they wanted information on Thailand, so I started typing half-sentences into the search box to see what would come up.

There’s no single word that describes Thailand – rich, poor, democracy, military, clean, dirty…it’s all of them and none of them at the same time. So I wanted to see what other people were searching for, which Google helpfully does for you if you start typing. I started with something simple… THAILAND IS…

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“Thailand is in what country.” Okay…some serious lack of geography skills out there. But what can Thailand do? THAILAND CAN…

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Thailand cannibalism?? That’s new. I mean I know in some places up north they eat rat and dog, but cannibalism is a bit much. Maybe they saw Anthony Bourdain’s show here…? Okay, what will Thailand do? THAILAND WILL…

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Wow, seems like there’s some serious interest in whether or not Thailand will one day be underwater. Bad news for people who bought condos near the river like, uh…me. Anyway, what should Thailand be doing? THAILAND SHOULD…

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A few people wondering if they should go, understandable in light of recent events. But I guess there’s a lot of people who wish Thailand would allow them to play the slots. So what about the people? THAILAND BOY…

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Okay, that’s creepy and depressing. What about THAILAND GIRL…

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Huh, not so bad considering. I was expecting much worse.